What’s happening!? How great is May? Too bad it is not 60 days long.
On to On The Mend….we were recently chosen to be the subject of a case study for a Principles Of Marketing class at WCSU and it was an AMAZING experience.
The process was simple, we were to go to their class in March and present to them our business model, current marketing vehicles, and a vision of what we would like our business to look like in 2-3 years.
The class broke up into 5 groups, and they each came up with marketing strategies to present to us 5 weeks later. In essence, they were 5 separate marketing companies, and their presentations were incredibly well prepared and the presentations were enlightening to say the least.
I can’t say enough about the experience. It was so motivating and fulfilling for us it is hard to put it into words.
The one thing that stood out more than anything else was( I will only speak for myself here)…..”I am old!!” It’s been 28 years since I was a student at Westconn. What happened? I am at a loss for words. I wish I could go back, I would have tried harder…….hahaha!
The other great thing was they thought we were really smart!
It is amazing to me how far a few pizzas will bring you with a class room full of college kids.
Thanks to our social media director, Kimberly Reddington, and our favorite Marketing Professor, Tom Zarecki, for making this happen. You rock Tom.
Thanks to the class for their creativity, exuberance, ideas and these awesome Thank You cards.
I wonder if Marsi and Bob felt as old as I did?